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Monday, January 5, 2015

Dogs as a Friend and their unique Breeds, you have ever seen..!!

Dogs as a Friend.


Wolves, and their dog descendants, would have derived significant benefits from living in human camps—more safety, more reliable food, lesser caloric needs, and more chance to breed. They would have benefited from humans' upright gait that gives them larger range over which to see potential predators and prey, as well as color vision that, at least by day, gives humans better visual discrimination. Camp dogs would also have benefitted from human tool use, as in bringing down larger prey and controlling fire for a range of purposes. Regardless of their sizes and shapes, these unique dog breeds are so cute.

Some of them are rare and found in very small numbers, and even sometimes they aren’t acknowledged by the American Kennel Club. Anyway, have a look at 10 of world’s unique dog breeds and enjoy reading about! You’ll see dozens of dogs in your life, but there are some unique dog breeds you may never come across. Some of these have some similarities to dogs we are familiar with, while others look more exotic. Some hail from far-off locales, others have unique features like extra digits or talents.

The majority of contemporary people with dogs describe their pet as part of the family,[43] although some ambivalence about the relationship is evident in the popular reconceptualization of the dog–human family as a pack.



Unique Breeds, you have ever seen..!!

Karelian Bear Dog:

The Finnish Karelian Bear Dog is one of the top 10 unique dog breeds in its home country. Originally used for hunting and as a watchdog, it has quick reflexes and a fearless nature, and is still popular with big-game hunters. In its home country, it is regarded as a national treasure. KBD will hunt a variety of animals.

New Guinea Singing Dog:

The New Guinea singing dog is a wild dog once found throughout New Guinea. It gets its name from its unique vocalization, but the once-wild breed gets its reputation as an excellent companion from its intelligence and physical ability.

Bergamasco Shepherd:

The Bergamasco is a breed of dog with its origins in the Italian Alps near Bergamo, where it was originally used as a herding dog. They’re also really into helping organize livestock – perform any tasks you want, because they’re super smart and view themselves as your equal.


The Azawakh is a sighthound dog breed from Africa. It’s like a greyhound, except do greyhounds have such artfully curly tails? Do they charm everyone around them with their perfectly floppy ears, elegant neck, and doe-like appearance? The Azawakh is almond eyed and thin. It moves with a distinctly feline gait and can be found in a variety of colors such as red, blue fawn, grizzle, and, rarely, blue and black.


This pup is really cute! It has better hair than you but also always wants to hang out with you and is down to do whatever. The Mudi is a rare herding dog breed from Hungary. It is a versatile and very energetic dog. It is fairly healthy breed and expected to live from 13 to 14 years. It comes in a variety of different colors, which are all equally adorable!


Look, this dog has a split nose! Possibly because of severe inbreeding due to its rarity, the Catalburun is one of the only dogs in the world featuring a split nose and suspended ears. Its main attraction is the shape of the nose, that seems to be two noses. This unique dog breed originally bred for hunting in Turkey.

Tibetan Mastiff:

The Tibetan Mastiff is an ancient breed and type of domestic dog. The word ‘mastiff’ means ‘large dog,’ that’s why it is included in its name. Also known as “Do-Khyi” (door guard), reflects its use as a guardian of herds, flocks, tents, villages, monasteries, and palaces, much as the old English ban-dog, a dog tied outside the home as a guardian. However, in nomad camps and in villages, the do-khyi is traditionally allowed to run loose at night.

Bedlington Terrier:

One of the 10 unique dog breeds, Bedlington Terrier – first time I saw this dog breed, I thought it was a lamb, but it wasn’t! Known for its curly and pale-colored wool coat – named after the mining town of Bedlington, Northumberland in England, the Bedlington Terrier bears some similarity to a lamb. It is described as being both good with children and “fit to kill any other dog of his weight”. This unique dog breed is much more athletic than it appears, traditionally used for racing, fights and to catch vermin. Its graceful build aids in speed and endurance.











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